Miracles in Massage by Theresa Griffith.


Click on the Dates and/or Images to visit Original Posts in her Facebook Timeline(s).

August 29

Yesterday I had the challenge of massaging a woman who is allergic to everything, including essential oils. I had to massage her fully clothed with no massage oil. Well, that pretty well eliminates my entire one of a kind treatment. Unless... unless I can download a new one of a kind treatment on the spot! So, I asked the Inventor of the entire universe to come and show me what to do. OMG! I felt God come into me and move my hands and move her limbs. I used the harp all over her body and rocked it from side to side as I strummed and sang! I sang to her aching cells and stood in the gap and asked them to forgive all those who had wronged her. Wow! What an absolute HIGH it is to work with the Creator who still wants to create through us! The woman was unglued with relief and wept with gratefulness. You understand me, she said. You respected my limitations! There are no words to thank you for what I just received! Bless you!  ~ Ahhh.......I LOVE MY BOSS!

October 25

From the Big Rapids, Michigan Concert and Tour:
…..Frozen Shoulder Freed Up during session (brought me to tears!)
…..Woman with no cartilage in knees and bad gait walked completely normal after session and she danced out of the room with her face beaming!
…..79 yr. old woman began dreaming of activities before the massage was even finished. I’m going to go dancing again! I think I’ll volunteer for Hospice again! I feel so young!
…..83 yr. old broke into singing and prayers of love and thanksgiving to God at the end of her song and treatment. The next day she was walking without her cane and was standing erect and tall for the first time in years!
…..A woman was weeping during her song at the end of her session and suddenly convulsed from the abdomen. She said, What was that?! We just uprooted a lie you’ve believed since childhood, I said. Wow! I had no idea! I can’t wait to tell everyone!
…..Look Theresa! I can move my arm and there is no pain!

November 7


AMAZING! I did a Destiny Song for a lady who was dying of cancer this week. Her friends said it wouldn't be much longer, so they wanted me to get the song done quickly so she'd get to hear it. She had been in bed for 6 weeks(?) and had dry heaves for past 4 days. But when I saw her photo I felt like she was not supposed to die yet, so I sang it into the song.... "You're not ready to leave us.... and we're not ready to let you go! So STAY! LIVE! HEAL! " Well, after hearing the song she got up out of bed and went out for a hamburger!!! Ha! We're having fun now!!! Thank You God!


