Your Thoughts Determine Your Destiny

Your Thoughts Determine Your Destiny

I woke up with a thought this morning. Whether it's a good thought to you or not depends on your own thought patterns.

My thought: Thoughts Determine Destiny. Proverbs 23:7 says, As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So, if you think of yourself as heavy, you'll have more trouble losing weight. If you think of yourself as unsuccessful, you'll block your opportunities. If you think of yourself as a loser, you'll never win. So many times people get offended with God for not "coming through" for them, when in reality, He answered before they called, but they cancelled the blessing with their own negative thoughts and words. We say we're "Waiting on God" for things, but the truth is, He's waiting on us to actively agree, align and cooperate with our own rescue.

So we end up continually sabotaging our future over and over. Not only that, but if your thoughts are continually negative and you surround yourself with "like minded" people... you'll never get unstuck from the position you're in.

I guess Ralph Waldo Emerson agreed with me when he said, “Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”

So if you want change in any area of your life, it has to come with thoughts first. The last thing you think about before sleep will shape your next day and your life. The first thing you think in the morning will propel last nights thought into fulfillment. And then if you give voice to all those thoughts, you multiply the power of it and feed it so it can grow into the incredible destiny God planned for you all along.

Theresa Griffith is a Certified Destiny Coach with prophetic one of a kind therapeutic sessions that help people get unstuck in life, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.

A Love Note for you from your Heavenly Papa!

A Love Note for you from your Heavenly Papa!

He told me to tell you that He knows you sometimes think you're not good enough, or that you don't think you ARE enough, but He said He wants to let you know that whatever you feel you lack, He makes up for it. So if you let that feeling go and let Him fill in the gap, you get to enjoy your life again and He gets to act like God, which is always nice, right?!

I had a Visitation from God about YOU!


I had a Visitation from God about YOU!

I had a Visitation from God about YOU!

In this encounter I saw you as a baby being carried by the Lord. You were kissing Him all over His face and He was enraptured by your love. He paraded you down the isle of a large church that was full of people as if He was showing off his intimacy with you. Then He walked the front of the church and then up the other isle. And all the while, He was consumed with only you, and His relationship with you. But He wanted everyone to know that you and He had an intense relationship. He said that He wanted to prove to you that you and He have a history of intimacy since you were a baby. That when you suffered, He actually came for you, no matter what you remember happening. The pain you endured caused you to forget that He came for you and provided a way of escape. He always does, but the pain is so noisy, it shouts over His still small voice of Love. He said the proof that He came for you is that you are in fact, a spirit, that is only housed in a body. And when you were traumatized, He came and took your spirit into the Kingdom where you were safe. So your spirit - the REAL YOU was kept pure, undamaged and unharmed through everything you suffered as a child.

The other part of the visitation was that He wants you to know that He is about to show your relationship with Him off to the church and the world! He is so proud to call you His Bride and He wants everyone to know how He feels about you too!

He gave me the example of my own parents who just renewed their vows after 67 years of marriage. My "shy" father was so enthralled with my mothers' beauty as she came down the isle, that he came out of his shell to show his intense love for her with a passionate kiss and a passionate profession of his love for her!

Wake up Sleeping Beauty! It's time for you to come on the scene! Cinderella! The Prince of Peace is coming to rescue you from the low position you've been in; the poverty, the pain and the disappointment. Rejoice! Your cries have been heard! It's your turn and you day!

He told me to tell you that He knows you sometimes think you're not good enough, or that you don't think you ARE enough, but He said He wants to let you know that whatever you feel you lack, He makes up for it. So if you let that feeling go and let Him fill in the gap, you get to enjoy your life again and He gets to act like God, which is always nice, right?!


Where are My Super Women & My Captain America’s?!

Where are My Super Women & My Captain America’s?!

This morning I was awakened with the words above! I’ve been seeing this for several months now, but this morning I heard it like a Clarion Call blasting into the atmosphere! The Lord said that He is the One that is inspiring Hollywood to produce the Super Hero movies because He is trying to wake up His people to their true calling. He thinks His church is beautiful, but she is asleep to the supernatural aspects of her destiny for the most part. He said, it is PAST TIME for Sleeping Beauty to awaken from her slumber and report to the front lines for active duty!

Our Father is not worried about the state that the world because He has a plan. He’s going to get His kids to fix it, but until they awaken to the fact that they are indeed Invincible Super Humans, it will remain broken. 

I lost everything in 2010, but it was the best thing that could’ve happened to me. Why? Because it thrust me through the birth canal and into the Real World of the Kingdom, where anything is possible. I had to learn how to live inside the Kingdom full time or I wasn’t going to make it. He taught me how to download everything I needed in a supernatural way. My bills were paid by complete strangers, even by non-Christians. All my needs were met in this way, including my desires. I would have a longing and it would appear on my doorstep the next morning!

I had been a Prophetic Musician who traveled the world, but I was so sick I couldn’t travel anymore, so I had to reinvent myself in my weak state. So I went back to school and became a  Prophetic Artist over night to the point that I could see the lines on the page beforeI drew them! I became a Supernatural Therapist overnight. Why?  Because I needed a miraculous healing! Suddenly, my eyes were opened to a one of a kind treatment that came through over 60 visions. I’ve seen brain damage, cancer and MS healed in one session. 

My point is this. I am only a Demo! An Example to open people’s eyes to what is possible inside the Kingdom! What do you long to do but didn’t think you had the money or the ability? Stop thinking like an Earthling! You are not of this world! You are the offspring of the King! You have the Mind of Christ and can tap into it to get innovative ideas that have never been seen on the face of the earth before!

Stop crying about the doors that are shutting! They must shut if the new door is to open! Shut doors are cause for celebration! Stop crying about problems! There is no such thing as a problem inside the Kingdom! “Problems are the impetus to propel you into the new thing God wants to do through you! I would never have re-invented myself if I didn’t have to! 

There is no such thing as lack inside the Kingdom. Lack is the jet fuel of dreams! If you didn’t have an urgent need for change, would you look for it? Problems and lack are the squeezing of the birth canal that bursts us into the higher call. And that call cannot wait any longer! The world is waiting for us to explode onto the scene with the answers that have been germinating inside us our whole lives!

Wake up Sleeping Beauty! The night is past, the Son has come up and He is shinning His Light on the Super Human thing you were born to do. You know what it is - it’s the thing that bugs you most about the things around you. That’s the proof that you were created to be the answer to  the “problem.”  Stop gazing at the problem and look up into Papa’s eyes, listen for His Voice and expect Him to share His Mysteries with you. If you have the mind of Christ, you are wiser than Solomon and you can use it! You were born for this day for a reason. Report for duty!

Those that know their God will be strong and do exploits (the things that Hero’s do).  Daniel 11:32

It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom.  Luke 8:10

And I heard the Lord's voice, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, "Here I am. Send me!”   Isaiah 6:8

The Eye of The Storm...


The Eye of The Storm...

Dec. 4, 2017 Fires Begin Nearby

That first night I prayed until 3am because the fires were threatening one of our board members farms. In the morning I awoke to find out that her farm had been miraculously saved against unbeatable odds! Then it spread to the mountains in my area. We are in a valley and the mountains are so close it had the appearance of being right in my back yard. The local Post Office got an order from their superiors to evacuate, so I originally thought it was for all of us. Later I was told by two fireman that it was not for us and we could stay put until further notice. Some neighbors decided to leave anyway, but I felt God say to stay and pray, so I spent the entire day in prayer.

As I was doing a "Rain Dance" suddenly a very strong wind whipped up and began blowing the fires toward the ocean and away from my house within a matter of 10 minutes. Then the sky was bright red as it burned Casitas Springs - Johnny Cash's home town. So I began to intercede and was saying "Remember Johnny!" And within 10 min.'s or so the red sky was gone leaving only brown skies. Then it changed direction again and headed up the mountain. The entire mountain appeared to be on fire. (I took the video from my driveway!)
Then the smoke situation was such that it was impossible to go outside and the inside was not healthy either. I diffused essential oils for a while and was going to get an air purifier the next day...if I could even get out. However, I decided to leave due to the intensity of the smoke. 

The Shock of What I Saw...

On my way out of town I got a view of the fires up close and personal! Fires right beside my car! And those majestic mountains surrounding our sweet little town were ALL ON FIRE! It was beyond words! I started to shake. How could this be real! It felt so eery and Sci-Fi. My heart was broken to see my town burning and it's beauty charred. I love living here. Hundreds have lost their homes. We don't know yet if any lives have been lost.

Why I Stayed So Long

Many people thought I was unwise for staying so long, but I couldn't listen to anything but what Papa had already told me to do.  This one thing I know beyond any doubt - I cannot lose if I live inside the Kingdom. I cannot be robbed or tormented. So when I finally left that night I was in tears because I felt so disappointed that I couldn't bring the rain and stop the fires. I've actually done that in several countries I've been in. It's like a gift I have to bring in optimal weather or something, but why didn't it work this time?! I was devastated.

However, after assessing the situation the next morning, I suddenly realized the truth - my town was surrounded by fire and by evacuations in towns all around us, yet we were never evacuated. The town of Oak View is NOT burned, only the mountains surrounding it. So, in the end all that prayer looks like it DID make a difference! It was like Oak View was in the Eye of the Storm, which is exactly what I had prayed.
I'm so glad I stayed and prayed. I would do it again in a heart beat! And I thank God for friends like you who fueled my spiritual fires and strengthened my knees to keep on praying!

*Please keep us in prayer. It's not over and the winds can change suddenly, but I will leave in full confidence that He who began a good work will complete it.

Theresa, Trekking inside Ps. 91 Forever!


How to “Plug In” to Kingdom Life!


How to “Plug In” to Kingdom Life!

My favorite time to pray is at night - usually, for hours! It's been "my thing" for over 30 years. I like to pray morning and night, but my demanding schedule has been bumping the morning time out for a while. This morning God's presence came over me so strong while I was making coffee that I broke into tears and had trouble standing upright. I heard Him say, Please don't go to the computer! I like to "make love(spiritual intimacy)" in the MORNING!
    Once I got settled into His arms He downloaded a radical concept to me that is a MAJOR KEY to the breakthrough I need and maybe you as well. It's a key to the delay of the Restoration we've been expecting! After all, He’s ALWAYS waiting on us! He said He’s already given us ALL THINGS that pertain to life, right? ... and because the Lord is my Shepherd I DON’T HAVE ANY NEED. (There is no spoon - if you know the Matrix movie). There IS no lack, or problem! It’s already been taken care of in the REAL WORLD.
So how do we live inside the REAL WORLD?Here's what He told me this morning, It's not just "good" to start your day in prayer; not just optimal even... it's VITAL! Here's why: Engaging your mind with the Phone/Computer/Internet - FAKE WORLD first thing sets your day to be EARTHLY! You have to Hem the earthly/carnal mind in on BOTH ENDS of your day in order to break through into the Real World where anything is possible; Where the next level of your destiny awaits you and enables you to lay hold of the promises that have already been sent to you.
    Science has proven that our brains need us to shut down all visual digital input through TV/Internet/Phone by 8pm in order to get undisturbed REM sleep. I've also found it to provide optimal dream recall. But now God is telling me, it's not just optimal, it's VITAL in order to live inside the Kingdom full time!
Plugging In to the Kingdom first thing in the morning sets the stage for success and highest navigation of life, and Unplugging from the Matrix Digital FAKE WORLD as early as possible in the evening allows you to get De-Programed, Re-Aligned and Re-Programed during the night and ready to win the next day.
Things are changing rapidly in technology, but in the past we were advised to turn off computers at night so they could reboot, defrag and re-order so they would work optimally. Our bodies are much like those computers and they don’t change with technology. The fact is we’ve been perishing for lack of the knowledge that our “internal triune computers” need to de-frag & re-boot at night. We are a three part being - Body, Soul & Spirit and each part needs to be aligned with the other parts in order to be healthy, strong and free, not to mention being able to “See & Perceive Spiritually.”

Re-Alignment is the whole reason for sleep!
When we sleep, our body, soul and spirit try to align, but they cannot if the body is hanging onto unresolved trauma from childhood in it’s cellular memory. They do the best they can, but illness results when emotional issues are not de-fragged and deleted from the system. The soul doesn’t even want to align with the spirit, especially if it has been allowed to rule all day long with negative emotions, human reasoning and logic based decisions. Then add to all that, meditating on upsetting situations and allowing negative emotions to penetrate your mind just before falling asleep and you have just given your triune being no fuel to use for healthy re-alignment! In fact you give it poison and illness will result, as well as a magnification and proliferation of that negative thought you had on your mind! Your thoughts shape your future! Thoughts have the same power as words and we know that words have the power of life and death.

A few months ago I heard these words in my sleep, Cut the slack! Cut the slack! Cut the slack! When I awoke I wasn’t sure what to cut, or where, so I just set out to make sure my life was in order, my office was in order and there were no lose ends, but I didn’t really “get it” until this morning. Cut the Slack = Cut the control that you allow the earthly mind to have. If you give it an inch, it will take a mile! So HEM IT IN! BRING IT DOWN! Take captive every noisy, demanding thought and corral the carnal mind inside the confines and control of your spirit who has the marching orders for the day and the Truth that sets and keeps you free, body, soul & spirit. That corral is the confines of morning & evening prayer to align yourself to live a Super Human Life! ~ Blessings Beyond Belief, Theresa Griffith

Theresa Griffith is a Certified Destiny Coach with prophetic one of a kind therapeutic treatments that help people get unstuck in life, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.

